PR/Giveaway Info

Pretty Pink Momma is most definitely PR friendly! Please fill out the PR/Media Request Form to introduce me to your product. Due to the amount of inquiries received please note that not all inquiries will receive a response.  Those products that I feel best fit the parameters of Pretty Pink Momma will be replied to.







contact form faq verification image

Product Reviews

If you would like for me to do a product review please keep in mind that my three children are boys, age 7 and under. For young girl products I have access to several relatives, good friends and neighbors with daughters that will be happy to give me their honest opinion of the product. In addition to children I also have several teens in our family, young men and ladies, that can offer input for teen based products.

My reviews may include pictures from your website as well as pictures of my own family using the product. At times I may want to include a video of my family using the product if I think that it would be a great addition to the post.

All featured reviews will receive one free month of 125x125 ad space upon purchasing an advertising package. Please let me know if you are interested in this option.

All feature posts will be listed under the appropriate heading on the navigation bar. For example, Chic Mom Finds, Chic Baby Finds, etc... If you product applies to more than one category it will be listed under all applicable titles. The navigation bar is a well used tool by PPM readers to find products based on their needs and interests.

I will not post a negative review of any product, period. If I review the product and discover that I would not be able to write a positive review, no post will be written. In this case products will only be returned to the company at the expense of the company.


I am always happy to couple any product that I review with a giveaway for Pretty Pink Momma readers. I pride myself in writing well thought out posts that will promote your site and products to the fullest. Below is some basic information about what to expect when allowing Pretty Pink Momma to host your giveaway.

If you would like for Pretty Pink Momma to host a giveaway on your behalf without a product review that is also possible. Please contact me for my current rates regarding site reviews if you are interested in this option.

Products Less Than $75

  • Giveaway will last for 14 -21 days, length determined by me.
  • All entrants will be required to visit the product site in order to participate in the giveaway
  • The giveaway will be listed on the side bar to the right of the main post for the duration of the giveaway
  • Your feature post will permanently be listed under the appropriate title heading on the navigation bar. For example, Chic Mom Finds, Chic Baby Finds, etc... If your product applies to more than one category it will be listed under all applicable titles. The navigation bar is a well used tool by PPM readers to find products based on their needs and interests.
Products More than $75
  • Giveaway will last between 21-28 days, depending upon the item featured
  • All entrants will be required to visit the product site in order to participate in the giveaway
  • The giveaway will be listed on the side bar to right of the main post for the duration of the giveaway
  • Your feature post will be permanently listed under the appropriate title heading on the navigation bar. For example, Chic Mom Finds, Chic Baby Finds, etc... If your product applies to more than one category it will be listed under all applicable titles. The navigation bar is a well used tool by PPM readers to find products based on their needs and interests.
  • Your site or product will receive a free 125x125 ad space for a period of one month
Products More than $250
  • Sponsor will choose duration length of the giveaway
  • All entrants will be required to visit the product site in order to participate in the giveaway
  • The giveaway will be listed on the side bar to the right of the main post for the duration of the giveaway
  • Your feature post will be permanently listed under the appropriate title heading on the navigation bar. For example, Chic Mom Finds, Chic Baby Finds, etc... If your product applies to more than one category it will be listed under all applicable titles. The navigation bar is a well used tool by PPM readers to find products based on their needs and interests.
  • Your site or product will receive a free 125x125 ad space for a period of three months
Gift Certificates
  • Offering a gift certificate is a wonderful option for broad exposure of many products that you offer - however it must be in amount that would cover the cost of your median product range
  • You must provide free shipping of the item(s) for the winner of the gift certificate
  • Any amount less than the price of a product offered on your site would be considered a discount - not a gift certificate
Answers to FAQ
  • You will be responsible for the shipping of all items to the winner. Items must be shipped out in a timely manner.
  • You must tell me which residents you would like your giveaway open to. I will need to know if you prefer US only, US and Canada, or all, including international residents.
  • All winners are chosen using the widget on my footer. The winner that is chosen will have 48 hours, sometimes 24 depending upon the giveaway, to claim their prize or another winner will randomly be chosen.
  • All giveaways will have priority scheduling based upon availablity.
  • Please let me know if you have a target date based upon an event or a holiday. I can most likely work with you to find a post date that will fit both of our schedules.
***************** Testimonials ********************
Read for yourselves what others have had to say about their feature posts!

"Hi Kimberly, your SurfShelf post is absolutely awesome! I think it’s one of my favorite so far! Plus, I love the pics… they remind me of my exact same situation. As I think I mentioned, my treadmill is in the garage as well.

Thanks again for such a great post and I’m so very happy that both you and your husband are enjoying the SurfShelf."

Randy Fenton

SurfShelf, LLC

"I love it! Thank you for including all the important information and giving your own personal spin."

- Michele, Co-Founder My Plate-Mate by HATCH

" I’m so glad you enjoyed using Mineral Secrets, and I loved your review. I hope to have the opportunity to work with you again in the future!"

Monica, for Skin Clinic and Mineral Secrets

"We really love your review, it is amazing. You definitely deserve that compliment because it is truly the best review I have seen (I am sure all of the people who send products to you are thrilled by your work.) Thanks again."

Misikko Marketing
"Thanks sooooo much for the feature!!! I am thrilled with the person actually hearted 28, yes count 'em, 28 items in my shop!!!"
- Sharon, JDS Gems

Thanks for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you!

