Whether You are Craft Challenged or a Craft Expert This is for You

If you are like me I am sure that you have wondered at least a time or two "That is so cute and simple I wonder how they make that?" Well, I discovered this awesome site YouCanMakeThis.com a few weeks ago. It was created by a stay at home mom that wanted to create a place where normal everyday women could go to learn how to make items for their homes and families. YouCanMakeThis.com has step by step instructions for many projects that have easy to follow E-Books with pics that guide you through the entire process so that even the most "craft challenged" person could learn to create awesome stuff. They also have simple and easy projects for kids to do as well. I also wanted to let you know that they have two exciting promotions going on right now that are great for this season. YouCanMakeThis.com is currently spreading the word about their $75 free bundle package when one signs up to be on the newsletter list. For each new sign-up, that person receives 1 online YCMT episode on “Making Initial Tees”, as well as 8 ebooks on a variety of subjects- all for free! It is a bundle package worth $75. YouCanMakeThis.com is also thrilled to announce a 2nd NEW newsletter, all dedicated to the world of sewing. It is called the, “You Can Sew This!” newsletter. Those who subscribe to this will also receive 5 free, exclusive projects to download. Their newest newsletter is for the crocheters and knitters.
One of the most awesome things about this site is if you are really experienced at a particular craft they offer a Designer-Author program where you can share your skills in an E-book of your own and earn money for yourself. I think that this site is one of the coolest things for moms that really want to learn how to make great stuff for gifts or even to start a new mompreneurship. Please check out this site you will not regret it!
