Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
It is so exciting to see little Emilio start pulling himself up to a stand everywhere he can! He is just desperately trying to walk and run after his big brothers. It is so super cute to see his big grin when he pulls himself to a stand. I did not sigh a big sigh of relief that he acquired these new skills after last Tuesdays big fall, no Not Me!
I was running super late for Benji's speech therapy last Thursday and I did not give his therapist the lame excuse that the kids were cranky and were resisting any efforts to leave the house in a timely manner. Not Me! The office cooridinator did not ask me if I was aware of the scheduled appt time all huffy and upset. And I so did not answer her with assurance that I most certainly did know the time but with three kids things happen sometimes that are out of my control. Nope, Not Me!
We had a wonderful time at Oscar's Kindergarten Celebrations last Wednesday night! I was trying to keep my heart from melting at watching him sing his adorable songs with his class. I was not so totally flooded with emotions realizing that my first born baby was going to be in first grade, Not Me!
Great not Me Monday!
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