Aloha Friday!

What embarrassing statements have your children made to strangers, or relatives for that matter, right in front of you?

Here's why I ask. Benji keeps embarrassing me in public. Not by doing anything really wrong, just stating the obvious. Here are a few examples:

1. An very large woman walked into the ladies lounge. Benji sees her and exclaims "Whoa that's a big one!"

2. Walking through Costco Benji jumped in front of an older gentleman and held out his hand in the stop sign hand gesture. Then he said, "You stop right there, OLD MAN, you stop!"

Thankfully for me, with his speech problems sometimes people have no idea what he's saying. Unfortunately, I am not sure if people did or did not know what he was saying.

So, here's my question:

What embarrassing statements have your children made to strangers, or even relatives, in front of you?

Aloha Fridays are brought to you by Kailani from An Island Life. Answer my question and put one of your own up on your blog. Link up and check out other blogs that participate at An Island Life.


Auntie E said…
One time my niece was staying with me. I had met some new people at church..they asked if I had any children..I said no..then my niece can running up calling to me"Mommy,Mommy guess what"..the people just looked at me puzzled because I responded"What Hunny".
I am Harriet said…
When my daughter was around 2, she said "that thing is huge" referring to the woman with the enormous behind walking past us at a resort pool.
Dee said…
oh wow! We're getting into that stage....but nothing too bad yet.
Oh my! Kids say what is on their mind. Mine have made many comments, especially repeating things I have said. Lesson learned don't say things in front of children, if you don't want it broadcasted.
During my brother's wedding a few years ago my son was newly potty trained. He was in the wedding. Suddenly you heard his loud booming voice announce (in the middle of the ceremony) "I have to go potty" Hubby took him and then they came back. Moments later he said the same thing. I was ready to scream and die of embarrassment. Thankfully the rabbi made a cute joke about things into the ceremony.
Suzy said…
We haven't gotten there yet with our kiddos. Some of the stories of heard from others seem pretty mortifying!
Momstart said…
nothing yet they can't talk
AudreyO said…
Usually it's me that embarrasses our kids. I don't recall them embarrassing me.
Anonymous said…
"Do you have any cookies? My mommy didn't feed me today" LOL
PMKU said…
My daughter asked if the cashier was a boy or a girl. She was 5. The cashier was livid! lol
My son smelled something bad and said, loudly, "Ok, who tooted!?" Wouldn't have been too bad if we weren't in a waiting room at the doctors. No where for me to run and hide...