Wordless Wednesday

Last week both of the boys were excited to end the school year with a bang. Benji had a party at his preschool that we attended. He was so excited to have us in his class. It was ridiculously cute!

Oscar, my oldest babe, is now officially a first grader! He had is very awesome kindergarten graduation. He looked so awesome in his little construction paper hat, singing his songs with his classmates. See for yourself!

For more Wordless Wednesday check out Five Minutes for Mom.


Aww! Congrats for graduating from kindergarten!
Liz Mays said…
He's absolutely precious! I love how excited he is and look at the missing tooth!
Cassie said…
How cute! Congrats to him!
I am Harriet said…
Yeah! Congrats!

Kristin said…
Congrats! Stopping by from 5M4M- happy WW!
I remember the excitement of end of school year. Love the look of happiness on his face.
Cascia Talbert said…
Wonderful photos! Congratulations to your new first grader.
Rob said…
Cool pics, I love the graduation cap.

Happy WW!
Kimberly Kihega said…
Congrats! My little boy just graduated kindergarten too!
Veronica Lee said…
Congrats to him!! He's so cute!!
That is so cool! Congrats! They are adorable!!!
Staci A said…
Very cute photos! Love that last one! And congrats!
Awww, he looks so happy!
Helene said…
Awww, look how cute he is!!! You must be so proud!!

I'm gonna e-mail you the rib recipe!
Moms On The Go said…
That is so cute! Congrats!
Oneangel said…
I love the double layer and the butterfly bows.