Aloha Friday - Mom Stuff

Aloha Fridays are brought to you by Kailani from An Island Life. Over there in Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that they take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So Kailani thought that on Fridays she would take it easy on posting, too. So, for Aloha Friday, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Answer my question and put one of your own up on your blog. Link up and check out other blogs that participate at An Island Life.

Does your own mom do anything to annoy you when babysitting or helping you with your kids?

My parents are visiting from Arizona for an entire month. Don't get me wrong, I love them dearly, and I wouldn't let them stay anywhere else. Not to mention how I love the free babysitting and the freedom to go run an occassional errand without the kids. But I also get frequent reminders of why I wanted to move out of my parents house in the first place! I love my mom but sometimes she tries to help - too much. So much that I actually consider it anti help. She just does things the way that she was used to doing them for me when I was a kid, not how I actually do them for my own kids. She will go by her rules and not mine. Sometimes stuff she does just plain grosses me out even though I know that I lived through it and made it alive. For example, cleaning the counters and the table where we eat with the kitchen sponge. The dirty ass kitchen sponge. SO GROSS! I think that she has finally learned that is a no no in my house. So my question is, does your own mom do anything to annoy you when babysitting or helping you with your kids?


Anonymous said…
my mom spoils the kids. buy them this, buy them that...
not that i don't want her too, but i think its too much :)
She bugs me that I don't feed my baby enough solid food. That's about it, though.

My Aloha Friday :)
Chris said…
she doesnt babysit but she visits us once in awhile, she always asks if my toddler is gaining weight..!
I am Harriet said…
Not that it's an issue now but, she would not always limit the junk food.
My mother spoils my children by not making them eat their meal before having something after. Still, she does not over indulge them in sweets most of the time which is nice.
Brandi said…
It's my mother in law she is always trying to do things that she nows I do not approve of.
honestly, my mom is a wonderful grandma. SHe loves him to pieces and respects what i say and what i want to do. she sings a very annoying song to him. haha. its really cute and he loves it. hubs and I just roll eyes...

I got it pretty good.
schnider_am said…
I love my mother and she is a wonderful grandma!! But she does spoil the boys way to much. Any time she is out with them and they say they want something she always will buy it for them. That is about the only thing that really gets me all the time.
Jaime said…
my mom is great with my son. she does let him play with pens, even though she knows that we don't let him. and she feeds him junk - but grandmas do that. it goes with the territory
Anonymous said…
My mom is way more protective than I am and forces me to be that way when I'm at her house. She's awesome though at not bugging me about my parenting and helps out tons.
sues2u2 said…
We just got back from visiting my parent's but my parents don't typically babysit for me. Especially now that my oldest is 12! That being said it's nice to visit & I'd love to live closer but it is hard to be constantly around them. lol
Foursons said…
So what do you clean your table with if not the sponge?
TheAtticGirl said…
My mom lives too far away to babysit or help out with the kids. I haven't seen her in 2 years. :(
I am incredibly blessed by having a great mom! She doesn't do anything that I don't like in regard to my kids. She is very careful to honor our rules and the way we do things at our house, and she is tons of fun!!
My mother never would babysit. Now my mother-in-law! That's a different story! SHE'S 78, HAS MS and still wants to babysit my 6 yr old. She takes care of my 2 yr old and 5 yr old niece and nephew during the day! She bugs me sometimes, but who cares! That's just her way!
Foursons said…
Ah yes, the Oprah show. I had to stop watching her germ phobic shows. They freaked me out to much. But yes, I saw the sponge one too and we now wash ours in the dish washer on a regular basis.
Tess said…
My little one gets spoiled by Grandma and then she doesnt want to come home!
Becca said…
No kids yet...but when my grandma used to watch me just a few years back (she was more there to keep me from killing my sister), she would give me a drove me nuts!!!!!
出張ホスト said…