Aloha Friday! - Pet Peeves

Aloha Fridays are brought to you by Kailani from An Island Life. Over there in Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that they take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So Kailani thought that on Fridays she would take it easy on posting, too. So, for Aloha Friday, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Answer my question and put one of your own up on your blog. Link up and check out other blogs that participate at An Island Life.

What is one of your biggest pet peeves?

I never claim to be perfect but there are just some things that I like done a certain way. For example, I absolutely hate having to wash off crusted on food when I am doing the dishes. It makes life so much easier if you just rinse the plate off before leaving it in the sink. One of my biggest pet peeves is when my husband leaves crusted plates in the sink. So gross! It takes me that much longer to do the dishes when I have to scrub super hard at all the crusties instead of just a quick rinse and into the dishwasher it goes! This battle has been going on for years so I don't see it ending anytime soon. So that's why my question is what is one of your biggest pet peeves?


Jennifer said…
People being late.
PMKU said…
People being late is a good one.
Anonymous said…
Rude people
Anonymous said…
Shoes all over the stairs.
Heatherlyn said…
It drives me nuts when my kids kiss my dog's face. GROSS!!!!
Stacie said…
Lying and people chewing with their mouth open
Anonymous said…
people talking on their cell phone in the restroom. (add not washing there hands while I"m at it)
Irene said…
The chewing with mouth open..oh yea...that's just nasty!
People who drink and drive 'and' have road rages issues!
Unknown said…
I don't like people being late either. People with no common sense drive me nuts too.
I am Harriet said…
OMG! People who do not restore things to the way they found them- you know- like PUT STUFF BACK!!!!!uurrrggghhh
People that think they are better than others. Ran into this a lot when I was teaching at a private school.
Sky said…
Ohh, my biggest pet peeve is when people don't call or anything if they are going to be late.
Susan Cook said…
One of mine is when my husband drinks the milk directly out of the bottle. Get a glass!
MediMonsters said…
Business websites or stores that have spelling errors or grammar errors in their advertisements. Drives me insane. Spell check is a good thing!
Becca said…
People who lie all the time. I try to never lie. I can kind of understand lying when put on the spot...but some people volunteer lies without even being asked about the subject!!!! Why????
I go absolutely CRAZY when I have to wait on anyone for anything! I'm always on time and it's rude and inexcusable to make me wait on you! ahhhhhh!
Mrs. M said…
So many pet peeves, so little time. I despise gum cracking/popping/chewing sounds!!
Anonymous said…
When someone can't take 2 steps to put something in the trash can and just leave it. Come on people, work with me!
Sheilacakes said…
People that lie. Then forget they lie and bust themselves. lol. When people smack when they eat or pop their gum.
Liz Mays said…
People saying they'll do something and then not doing it.
Drahdrah said…
Limp handshakes. I like it when I shake someone's hand and it's strong and confident.
Foursons said…
Not following through on a promise. Ugh!
Helene said…
This is what my husband does when I'm lucky enough that he does the dishes. He'll rinse them off and then leave them on the counter next to the sink. I have no clue why he can't bend over and put the dishes in the dishwasher right after rinsing them....I always ask him that, saying "you're just creating an extra step for yourself". I mean, why not just put them directly into the dishwasher after rinsing them instead of piling them up on the counter. It makes NO sense!
Jinny said…
This one is just one step after your's. The little bits of food/crusties that swim around in the water while your washing dishes? And you have to dig your hand around in the water to either let the water out or find your rag? I HATE that!