Wordless Wedneday - Its Official

Its official. I can now add proud soccer mom to my mom resume. The only thing missing is the minivan with the soccer ball sticker in the rear window. Oscar absolutely loves it! Everyday he asks when he has soccer practice, he is super excited. I have to admit it is pretty fun to watch the kids playing. One of the best parts is Oscar's classmate's Dad is the coach so he let Oscar play for free. Score!

For more Wordless Wednesday check out Five Minutes for Mom.


Run DMT said…
Yay for soccer moms! Happy ww!
Foursons said…
Yeah! It's so exciting when the kids love the sport they are playing in and have fun regardless of the outcome. And the free part doesn't hurt either!
Liz Mays said…
I can tell how proud you are! Wonderful!!
Stephanie said…
Such a great sport!
Cascia Talbert said…
Looks like fun! Have a wonderful Wednesday.
How exciting!! Love that it's free too! That's great!
Felicia said…
And you should be proud!!
Helene said…
I can't wait to be a soccer mom!! Cole keeps asking me when the season starts but it won't start up until the fall.

Your boy looks so happy...a real natural with the soccer ball!!!