Wordless Wednesday - Emilio's First Birthday!

Yesterday was Emilio's First Birthday! We had a tiny celebration with cupcakes that the boys and Daddy made just for the occassion. His big party isn't until this weekend but I wanted to celebrate on the actual day. A total mom thing, I know. Here he is in all his first birthday gooeyness!

For more Wordless Wednesday go visit Five Minutes for Mom.


Rob said…
Happy Birthday! Looks like he enjoyed that cupcakes since all I see left are crumbs! LOL.

Happy WW!
Felicia said…
Yes.. Happy B Day! Such a little sweet heart!
Run DMT said…
Happy Birthday, little one! My little one turn 4 on Sunday. They grow up so fast, don't they?

Happy WW!
I am Harriet said…
Yeah! Happy Birthday!

Kathy P said…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY little guy..what a cutie pie :)
Dee said…
Aww! Happy Birthday!
Foursons said…
I have to celebrate on my kid's actual birthdays too. :) Very sweet photos- happy birthday to the big guy!
Cascia Talbert said…
Happy Birthday to your little one! He is adorable.
Liz Mays said…
Happy Birthday to that adorable little doll! I'm exactly like you are about celebrating on the actual day.
Susan Cook said…
Cute shots. Looks like he wasn't sure about it at first, but seemed to enjoy it by the end.

Happy B-day!