Wordless Wednesday - From Gruesome to Gorgeous

I thought that I would show you all my stab wound, mostly because it dominates my life and irritates the crap out of me all day long. On the upside, doctors orders - no dishes! For those that don't know why I have a stab wound read my Not Me Monday post to get filled in.

Now for the gorgeous. My kids love walking the trails around this historic park that is close to our house. It has a salmon hatchery and huge and small water falls all around. Simply gorgeous to see in person.

For more Wordless Wednesday go visit Five Minutes for Mom or several other places I can't remember to list right now.


Staci said…
ouchie!!! no didhes is a HUGE plus though :)
Liz Mays said…
You poor thing. You really got yourself good with that knife.

And, start making up the spare room because blueviolet is coming for a visit to see all that lovely scenery.
Anonymous said…
That would really bug me also. OUCH! And I love the photos of the falls beautiful!
I am Harriet said…
OUCH! Couldn't think of a worse spot either.

Alicia W. said…
That made my hand hurt. Bless your heart.
Foursons said…
My arm was in a cast for 6 weeks last year and I relished the "no dishes" thing. Enjoy it!

And I bet watching the salmon swim upstream is a sight to behold. Lucky you!
3 Bay B Chicks said…
Ack! A stab wound indeed. You are much braver than I will ever be.

Oh, and make sure you save room for me wherever Blueviolet is staying. I want in on this visit. :)

Cascia Talbert said…
I hope your stab wound heals up soon! That looks like it hurts.

Beautiful photos of the hatchery.
Felicia said…
Oh my! I hope it heals quickly.. or better yet.. maybe not.. no dishes sounds nice!

Lovin' that Salmon hatchery.. mostly because that is my fav food!
Grampy said…
Gorgeous pictures. I just love waterfalls.
Jennifer said…

It looks painful! Well, I just keep seeing you stabbing your hand over and over again in my head, so THAT'S what's making me cringe... Eeeek! I hope your hand heals FAST!
Rob said…
Get better. At least you don't have to do dished. LOL

Happy WW!
Yowza!! But no dishes is great!!
PMKU said…
Those are great shots! Happy WW and thanks for stopping by this week.
Yikes! That looks painful!
Helene said…
I simply had to go down to your Monday post and read what happened....ouch!!! I can't believe you drove yourself to the ER...I'm such a drama queen that I would've called an ambulance...hahaha!!

Getting out of the dishes is a huge PLUS though!! And I would imagine your hubby is giving the kids all their baths this week. See....it's not as bad as you think. You just gotta work it.

Those pics of the stream are beautiful!!!
Felicia said…
Hey.. I also wanted to stop by and let you know that Piera and I are starting a giveaway linky on Thursdays. If you have a chance stop by and link up on our blogs!

I hope you have a great day!
