Aloha Friday - Scary Movies

Aloha Fridays are brought to you by Kailani from An Island Life. Over there in Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that they take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So Kailani thought that on Fridays she would take it easy on posting, too. So, for Aloha Friday, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Answer my question and put one of your own up on your blog. Link up and check out other blogs that participate at An Island Life.

In light of Halloween coming up so quickly, horror movies are always being advertised. Do you like to watch scary movies?

I personally can't handle anything violent and blood filled. The suspense of the impending violence kills me more than the actual violence. Not to mention I would probably have nightmares just like when I was a little kid. I feel so bad for hubby cause he is always having to settle for the romantic comedies, or dramas because I seriously can't handle the gore. It has been a point of contention in our relationship since the beginning. My rebuttle is that I will suffer emotional damage and may possibly have nightmares if I watch some of the movies that he wants to see, which won't happen to him if he watches one of my type of movies. His response, "You don't know that! Maybe I do have nightmares from romantic comedy overload!". Ha ha, he's soooo funny :) So, that's why my question this week is do you like to watch scary movies?


Abatevintage said…
I love scary movies, and usually every Halloween I go threw all the Halloweens and have a marathon of em. I do cuddle up with the hubby all night for protection though :0)

Bridgette said…
I like to watch them as long as I am not by myself!
Jennifer said…
I did many, many years ago. Now I find them silly at best. I prefer documentaries, dull, I know.
Anonymous said…
I love scary books and scary movies!!
I do not watch scary movies. There is enough in life that scares me on a daily basis - I refuse to intentionally scare myself.
Yeah, I am a fuddy duddy. Guilty.
Jennifer said…
Excuse my french, but: HELL NO! I hate, hate, hate scary movies! I have no desire to watch them because I am the girl who has to have all the lights on 24/7 for month before I can forget what i watched! LOL!
Auntie E said…
Yes sometimes. i just purchase 5 for the 31 evening entertainment with my teen and hubby.
Design It Chic said…
Scary movies makes me.. hmm .. scary:P.. so nope I'm not into that.. i mean if it's the funny kind of scary.. then probably yeah.. but not that horror scary kind of movies.. nope thanks:)

Happy Friday!

*my Aloha Friday's up too:)
Rob said…
Heck no. I am a wuss and do not like to be scared.

Happy Friday!
Anonymous said…
I love watching scary movies if they are ghosts or vampires. I don't like the sick movies like Saw etc.
Diane said…
if you can get me to sit down long enough to watch an entire movie, yes i like them scary!!!
Terra Heck said…
Scary movies are my favorite. The only ones I can't or won't watch is the Nightmare on Elm Street ones. Freddy is the ultimate scary monster. Other than that, it's a free-for-all and I'm up for watching them.
Not into those types of movies and never have been. Would rather just skip them.
When I was younger, I loved them. Not anymore.
TheAtticGirl said…
I hate scary movies. I won't watch them b/c I usually get nightmares afterwards.
Not so much scary because that usually equals gory. I love thrillers/suspense though.
I HATE scary movies and why watch soething that makes you feel icky :( no for me.

The Buzz,
Twincerely,Olga said…
I used to loove them but now they don't seem to scare me anymore! Stop by!
Colette S said…
When I was a kid I liked scary movies, but now as an adult I can't handle them. It gives me nightmares.

So I don't watch them anymore.
Liz Mays said…
Suspense, yes, but horror, no.
Frugal Vicki said…
I love scary movies, but they just aren't the same as they used to be. i used to get scared, and sit on the edge of the seat in suspense. Now i get up and go to the bathroom every half hour when the boobs come on t.v.