Wordless Wednesday - My Son the Jack-o-lantern

Over the weekend Oscar got visited by the Tooth Fairy - TWICE! One of his lower ones came out first then his other front tooth came out the next day! He is missing four front teeth total! He really is our jack-o-lantern this Halloween!

For more Wordless Wednesday check out Five Minutes for Mom.


tiarastantrums said…
oh cute - my son is so close to this too
Run DMT said…
How cute! I love those toothless grins.
Liz Mays said…
I love that period. So cute!
Jana said…
too cute! Perfect timing to lose his front teeth... Now he can say all he wants for Christmas is his two front teeth. lol!!
Susie said…
What a great memory to capture:-)
Tammy said…
Love it! :-) Great pictures!
So cute. Now he can ask santa for his 2 front teeth for christmas. =D
Foursons said…
Bahahahaha! The hockey player look is so cute on little kids!
That is so cute, and so festive!! =)