Wordless Wednesday - Potty Humor

I was cracking up when I came across this in an image search. Apparently this is a series of posters that hang in a mens restroom at a software company in the Netherlands. I imagine that this software company is a fun place to work!

For more Wordless Wednesday check out Five Minutes for Mom.


Run DMT said…
LMAO That's a pisser! Sorry! Couldn't resist the pun! LOL
Susie said…
Ha, ha!! That IS funny!!! Merry Christmas to you and yours:-)
Ms. Latina said…
hahahaha probably not so fun to the men using the stalls! Esp. the last one thats laughing and pointing - talk about an ego crusher LOL

Happy WW!
LOL! Wonder who came up with that idea!?
Beth said…
That is hilarious! I love it! Glad to find you blog very fun :)
Felicia said…
That really is hilarious! I bet it is a fun place to work for sure!
Anonymous said…
I think men would feel uncomfortable. I think they are fun though.
Olivia said…
HA! I'm sending that to my hubby right now. He'll think it's hilarious.
Foursons said…
Oh my gosh, hilarious! I'm guessing a woman did the decorating.