General Mills Prize Pack Winners


Congratulations to Amber, Timbo, Tamara B, Cat@3kidsnus, and bayctygrl!

Each of them has won each of the five cereals, a retro tee shirt and a $10 Target gift card.

They are still in the running for the Atari Flashback 2 as well as all of you that have entered the giveaway so far. If you haven't entered but still want your shot at the Atari game console you have until March 7th to enter.

Good Luck!

*I share my 100% honest thoughts and opinions in all posts. For product reviews I am only compensated in product for the sole purpose of writing an honest review. Please refer to my disclosure policy or email me if you have any questions.*


bayctygrl said…
Thank you so much for hosting a great giveaway and for all the hard work you put into it.

Congrats to all the winners