Wordful/Wordless Wednesday - Baby Boys and Trucks

Emilio, only 21 months, is thrilled to finally riding with the big boys in their Power Wheels. I, on the other hand, am terrified. I don't think that he is old enough to be riding around even as a passenger in that thing. My husband thinks that I'm an overprotective freak but I beg to differ. He always thinks I am crazy until someone gets hurt or maimed. Then and only then will he agree that I was right.

It is adorable to see how much fun he is having but this is an activity that only Dad can stomach doing with them. The only reason that Emilio is even wearing a helmet is because I insisted that if he was going to put our child's life at risk he should at least put a helmet on his head.

What do you think? Who's right - him or me?

Off they go!

For more Wordful Wednesday check out Seven Clown Circus.

For more Wordless Wednesday check out Five Minutes for Mom.


More Than Words said…
Oh my gosh, they are too cute, and he looks like he is totally enjoying himself!!

I guess I would feel the same as you if they were driving right by the street! LOL
Erin said…
Oh I think you are right! I am going to having this same problem, we are getting our oldest one of those for his 3rd bday and I just know that my 20 month old will want to ride too and I am going to be saying no!!! (Making mental note, don't...forget...helmet....Got it!)
HA! I love that you made him wear the helmet! LOL! At least your husband let you put it on him... Mine would roll his eyes and tell me "He's fine!". =)
Run DMT said…
How cute! I love the helmet. :-) I bet they had a blast even though you were a nervous wreck. Poor mama.
Pamela Scott said…
thats too cute I bet they where having fun!! you know boys and there trucks, LOL
My twins have one of these and they LOVE it. I love the smiles on their faces as they cruise down the sidewalk! :)
Anonymous said…
Aw, he looks SO happy! I think its ok as long as you're always watching. My kids have all been on one, and I didnt even think to put a helmet on them! Doh!
Courtney said…
Okay, your boys are too cute. And that is one impressive truck. My little guy would LOVE it.
Anonymous said…
They are going and growing so fast.