What Would You Give Up for the Summer to Lose 10 lbs? You Gotta Read The Nutrisystem Diet Index!

Nutrisystem has just released some insightful information obtained from their "Nutrisystem Diet Index" that I thought you would all enjoy. This was thier first diet index and it was featured in an article on USA Today. You can read the article here: http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/weightloss/2010-08-12-weightorsex11_ST_N.htm.

The survey found that over 50% of women would rather give up sex for the Summer than gain 10 lbs! Which being a woman, I can totally believe! I would give it up in a heartbeat to lose 10 lbs. Hell, I would give it up for a year to get to my ideal body weight. My husband may not be so keen on the idea but I bet he would love a slimmer, sexier version of me too. Probably not enough to give up sex though - ha ha!

Nutrisystem's poll of 1001 people also showed that three-quarters of both men and women would have been willing to give up something — such as watching TV, shopping, using a cellphone or computer for the summer, all for that flat tummy. As for me, I would give my right arm for a flat tummy. After three children I am doubtful that even if I reach my weightloss goal that it will ever be flat!

The survey also shared some interesting facts surrounding what people think about dieting in general. What resonated with me the most is that participants in the survey attemped to diet an average of 13 times in their lifetime — women, 16 times; men, 8. I really identify with that because I am only thirty years old but I have attempted at least 16 times, if not more. Life is so busy and I think as women we tend to put everyone else's needs first instead of our own. I personally have had a hard time because I spend my days thinking that I don't have any time for myself. The kids come first and if there is any time left over I should most definitely spend it cleaning the house, not exercising and making sure that I am eating right. Part of me has always felt that once everything else in my life is in order I will get back to taking care of myself. I am finally starting to realize that nothing will ever be perfect and I must find a way to balance focusing on myself while taking care of the needs of my family and my home. I am so glad that I have started with Nutrisystem, this experience will hopefully prove to be a life-changing one.

So, I want to know, what would you give to lose 10 lbs? You can read the USA Today article for examples, but I would love to hear some new ideas too!

If you would like to join me on my Nutrisystem weight loss journey please remember that you can take advantage of some great summer sales going on by calling 1-888-849-4680 or clicking on the special link for Pretty Pink Momma readers http://www.nutrisystem.com/prettypink.

*Nutrisystem is providing me with the program free of charge in exchange for my time and commitment to blog about my experience with the Nutrisystem Program.*



Liz Mays said…
TV is the last thing I would give up...never, never, never
Betty N said…
I would give up almost any material thing to be able to lose 10 lbs...I need to lose 12-14 but 10 would sure be a good start. I hate the "hungry" feeling...if I could get snacking out of my life (except some things healthy and in small quantities) I think that would do it for me.