As you know, I have been on the Nutrisystem plan now for about 2 and a half months. I had a slow start but I have been steadily progressing as each week passes. The first month was the toughest because I was sent a box of food and being that it was my first order I wasn't able to customize it. I had to try meals out and find out what I liked versus what I didn't. There were also a lot of food items that I wouldn't have chosen to order had I known about them in advance. The second order went much better because I could pick out exactly what I wanted based upon my experience with the first shipment. I just received my third shipment a couple of weeks ago.
I have to say though, in total, I have only lost 6 pounds. I have had trouble sticking to the plan for two reasons. I eat out more than I should and I haven't mastered controlling my cravings when I do go out. The second is my dinners. I eat dinner super late, usually between 9-10, this is because that's what time dinner gets done after we get the kids to bed. Oscar doesn't usually get home from work until about 8, and from 8-9 we are taking care of the kids. That is why its so late.
On top of the time issue I have problems with will power - obviously or I wouldn't be overweight in the first place. Its simply too hard for me to cook dinner for Oscar every night and not want to eat what I am cooking and serving him. I have edited the meals here and there and started to supplement with a variety of different vegetables, but it just isn't enough. I feel guilty because I can stick to breakfast and lunch entrees but when Oscar gets home from work all hell breaks loose.
On Saturday's post I shared that Nutrisystem offers counseling. When I was talking with my rep and she wanted to know how I was doing with the program so had to be completely honest with her about my dinner situation. She was so supportive and threw out some great suggestions like making sure that we try our best to eat dinner at an earlier time, not right before bed. What she said next, got me all in a tizzy....
Nutrisystem has offered to send out meals for my husband as well! We will be doing the Nutrisystem program together!
I am so excited about this! Oscar would like to lose anywhere from 20-40 pounds so he was more than willing to jump on board. I really need his support to help me get where I want to be so doing Nutrisystem together is exactly what I need. I can't wait to get started on packing his meals and help him get where he wants to be too. We have decided to make exercising a together a priority as well. That is another key component that I am still working on adding into my overall weight loss plan.
I will be posting updates about how my husband and I are doing on the plan, what motivates us and what our favorite meals are that we like to eat together. I strongly believe that if we are both supporting each other that we both will be able to achieve our weight loss goals.
If you would like to join me on my Nutrisystem weight loss journey please remember that you can take advantage of some great summer sales going on by calling 1-888-849-4680 or clicking on the special link for Pretty Pink Momma readers
*Nutrisystem is providing me with the program free of charge in exchange for my time and commitment to blog about my experience with the Nutrisystem Program.*

*I share my 100% honest thoughts and opinions in all posts. Please refer to my disclosure policy or email me if you have any questions.*
We are so happy to have you as part of our Nutrisystem family, and even happier that Oscar will be joining the family too!! Nutrisystem is always here to help you out and provide the support you need, but now this experience will be even more rewarding as you and Oscar will be each other's inspiration and motivation every day at home :) You are going great and keep up the great job!!
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