Aloha Friday - Shopping Styles


Aloha Fridays are brought to you by Kailani from An Island Life. Over there in Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that they take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So Kailani thought that on Fridays she would take it easy on posting, too. So, for Aloha Friday, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Answer my question and put one of your own up on your blog. Link up and check out other blogs that participate at An Island Life.

When you shop for holiday gifts this year, how much will you be doing online versus in store?

I will be doing about 70% in store this year and 30% online.  I really like looking in person and making that purchase.  Shopping online though is really starting to grow on me so we'll see what really happens...



Tammy said…
I like shopping online since I lost my love for the malls. I did go just the other day and picked up a gift for Emily and Scott's BD present...
Anonymous said…
For my husband and kids I will shop in the stores. But for my family in CO, its much easier to shop online so I can have it shipped directly there. I'm in HI, its a long way to ship...

My AF Post:
Anonymous said…
I'll do all my shopping in stores.
Anonymous said…
You know, Im not really sure. There are supposed to be some super good deals online this year.
MadeInCanarias said…
I think it would be 90% in stores and 10% online.
Stacy Uncorked said…
I probably do about 60% online and 40% in the store - I like to find unique things for people based on their interests, and sometimes you just can't find 'unique' in the store. ;)

Aloha: Black Friday Shopping
Deni said…
We are doing it all in store. Honestly, I bought a lot of my son's gifts during sales through out the year. As far as any other, we are doing a small gift for the grandparents and that's it...
I am Harriet said…
I am so online!

Have a great day!
schnider_am said…
It depends on who and what im shopping for. I would probably say it will be about 40-60. With the 40 being online shoping.
Auntie E said…
This year I am not doing much on line. I will be shopping out in the stores. I enjoy the sights and sound of Christmas. And this year the Small town stores aren't so crowded.
My Friday Question for you-
History and a Question
Colette S said…
I don't really have holiday shopping. I just try to take a good deal as a find them
bayctygrl said…
about 20% online the rest in store
Rita T. said…
90% online this year. We are greatly cutting back and absolutely NOT charging even one gift. Christmas is not about lavish presents, though I think my kids think it should be :)
Erica K said…
very cute blog.

Thank you for stopping by my blog. I am following back.
Joanne J said…
I have not been doing much holiday shopping for these few recent years. However, I started shopping online last year and it was fun and exciting. So for now, I would say my shopping online vs store is 50%-50%