November is Diabetes Awareness Month! Nutrisystem D is a proud national sponsor of the American Diabetes Association Stop Diabetes Movement
November is National Diabetes Awareness Month and this marks the one year anniversary of the American Diabetes Association Stop Diabetes movement, in which Nutrisystem D (their weight loss plan for Type 2 diabetics) became a proud national sponsor of the movement.
Some new facts from the ADA
- within the past year, about 1.5 million Americans were newly diagnosed with diabetes
- it now affects 24 million people in this country
- more than twice that number show early signs of the disease
- if present trends continue 1in 3 children will develop diabetes in their lifetimes
There a number of contributing factors that put a person at risk for developing Type 2 diabetes. Genetics can certainly play a role but being overweight and out of shape can also take its toll on the body. Or women that have had gestational diabetes, like myself, are also at high risk.
A well known fact is that simple lifestyle changes such as eating a healthy diet and exercising on a regular basis can reduce your risks of getting Type 2 diabetes as you get older. For example, weight gain is one of the leading causes of diabetes. If you are overweight, losing just a little bit of weight – a 200 pound person losing 10 pounds, for example – is enough to help reduce your risk of developing diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes is a serious threat to the health of not only myself but my husband's and my sons'. My husband has several male family members that have gone blind, lost limbs or died from the disease. All though they are all healthy now I am very concerned at what the future may hold for them if they don't take care of their bodies.
The same can be said for myself. A major reason that I would like to reach my weight loss goal and maintain a healthy lifestyle is that I too am in danger of getting Type 2 diabetes. My last two pregnancies I had gestational diabetes and I had to take insulin shots four times a day and check my blood sugar up to eight times per day. My last son even had to be delivered two weeks early because my pregnancy was considered high risk due to the amounts of insulin I was taking to keep my sugars in balance. My endocrinologist warned me that if I don't lose the weight my chances of getting Type 2 as I get older are extremely probable. Unlike others that have never experienced the pain of injections and needles on a daily basis I know first hand how hard diabetes is to manage every day, which is why I want to do what I can to avoid having it as a permanent part of my life.
I hope that you will join Nutrisystem in the American Diabetes Association's important movement to Stop Diabetes™. You can go to and take action today.
Billie Jean King, a Nutrisystem Celebrity Spokesperson has created a PSA about raising awareness this month and joining the Stop Diabetes™ Movement. Check it out!
If you would like to join me on my Nutrisystem weight loss journey please remember that you can take advantage of some great sales going on right now by calling 1-888-849-4680 or clicking on the special link for Pretty Pink Momma readers
*Nutrisystem is providing myself and my husband with the program free of charge in exchange for my time and commitment to blog about our experience with the Nutrisystem Nation Program.*
*I received this product for review purposes only. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own and no other monetary compensation took place Please refer to my disclosure policy or email me if you have any questions.*
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