Wordless/Wordful Wednesday - Only been here 6 weeks and the boy had to get stitches!

As soon as we moved here I immediately started spotting out the walk-in clinics and hospitals in the area.  Having three rowdy boys in the house this is a crucial, need to know thing.  Here it is... we have been here six weeks and on Monday we made our first trip (of many I'm sure) to the walk-in clinic.

The boys were running around the house all crazy, which they have been doing since we moved in, and I knew it was inevitable.  I have been on those boys to stop running every darn day.  They never listen.  You know why?  It's cause they learn by doing - no auditory learners in this house.

So Monday night, they are running around like banshees and I of course yell from the kitchen "STOP RUNNING!".   Literally thirty seconds later Benji comes running around the corner screaming and crying, "I'm bleeding!  I'm bleeding!".  I take one look and sure enough he has a huge gash on his eyebrow!  Experienced as I am with head injuries by now I realize he needs a quick trip to clinic ASAP.

Five stitches later.....  the boys learned a valuable lesson as to why its not okay to run around the house.  Poor little guy had to get a shot of novocane right in his eyebrow!  Ouch!  When he came home Oscar took one look at Benji and said, "You look scary!", Benji was pretty delighted with that statement to say the least.  I just call him FrankenBenji.

For more Wordful Wednesday check out Parenting By Dummies and Seven Clown Circus.

For more Wordless Wednesday check out Five Minutes for Mom.



Irene said…
Ouch! Poor guy. I have two boys, 4 and 6, and I swear they never stop running (until they fall asleep, thank goodness.)

Happy WW!
Dominique said…
Aww..that must have really hurt.. I have two boys 4 and 7 and they too love running..it gets me all stressed up when they start running around in the house..
Liz Mays said…
Ooooo, that's quite a few stitches up there. Yikes! I'm glad you knew enough to go get it taken care of.
Stacy Uncorked said…
OUCH! Poor little guy! Think they'll ever listen? Princess Nagger seems to have that selective hearing going on... ;)

WW: Creative Play
Tammy said…
Ew and Ow! I just showed the kids! Explained this is what happens when you don't listen to your mom...hahaha!

Hey...you are almost to 1000 followers. Woohoo!
Stephanie said…
Poor baby! Looks like they did a really good job:)
Run DMT said…
Uh oh. Poor fella and poor mama!
Meryl said…
OOh, I hope he feels better. WE had those days too. My son kept jumping on the bed, hitting his head and going for stitches... You'd think he'd learn, but he said it was just too much fun. Luckily he found other things, safer things to do shorthly after the third set of stitches...