I have never joined in on True Story Tuesday, but I have been reading others posts and I want to join in this time. To link up and check out everyone else's go visit Once Upon a Miracle.
I decided to make my True Stories all about my recent conversations with Benji. Keep in mind that he is four, actually almost five. He is extremely curious about how things work - I mean EVERYTHING.
Now, I know that maybe my boys are just a little too old to be seeing me naked but, with three small children, the youngest being 18 mos, I would never get a shower in if I waited for a point in the day when all three of them were occupied. I also have to have my bathroom door open at all times or they freak out, like I am locking them out of my life. Oscar, age 6, has realized that its not polite to stare at his naked mom and that I prefer privacy. Also, he never really questioned me about my anatomy either. He just accepted what I said at face value about it, "I don't have penis, there is nothing to look at."
Benji, however, is a completely different dude. This answer just doesn't cut it for him - he wants more. Here is a rundown of how our conversation went - while I was using the bathroom.
Benji: Hey, are you pooping?
Me: No! Get out of here please.
Benji: Oh, you're going poop and potty.
Me: Uh, no - just potty.
Benji: What? You don't have a penis! Show me your body, show me how it works!
Me: No Benji, for the millionth time, I don't have a penis- there is nothing to see. You can't see what I don't have.
Benji: Aw, come on! Show me! I want to see your tiny penis!
Me: Benji, I told you I don't have one! Now give me my privacy please!
Luckily he left that time. A few minutes later, I was getting ready to jump in the shower -so I was naked. I was just about to get in when I turn around and Benji is tilting his neck, trying to check out my goodies! Then this was our conversation:
Me: Benji! Stop trying to look - I told you I'm not showing you my body!
Benji: Well, I see some hair down there!
Me: Thanks for noticing, now get out!
Oh my gosh! I am so glad that he will most likely never remember trying to check out his moms parts! Actually I am really praying that none of my sons will never, ever remember seeing me naked. But whats a mom to do? My husband works 14 hour days, when he comes home I am cooking and shopping. If I waited to shower until all of the things on my To Do list were complete I would never shower. As it is I really only get to shower every other day, I don't want to make it once a week! That's sick! I have even gone as far as to hire my neighbor's (AKA Tammy's Two Cents) daughter, who is nine, to watch my boys for twenty minutes while I shower. It was the best $1.50 I ever spent too!
I dream of the day when all the kids are in school and I can shower, uninterrupted, every single day! That would truly be a gift. Until then I think I am stuck with Benji's incessant interrogations. I just keep telling myself that he is going to be a wonderful doctor one day!
And that my friends, is my True Story.
ps - I'm the other way around... I can't hear, so I'm constantly paranoid that the kid is going to wander out of the house if I take a 30 second shower. I cannot count how many times I've dashed out dripping wet to check on him, then ran back in to finish my shower, LOL.
Thanks for joining this week!
Great post! I have a toilet monitor who wants to know what I am doing too.
Thanks for sharing....it took me back 10 or more years ago when I had absolutely NO privacy at all!
What a great story!! Benji is definitely a curious kid, isn't he? I posted some funny stuff about my 5 y.o. today, and also posted about a shower incident myself on Monday!! LOL
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