Wordless Wednesday - Sweet Dreams

I was blogging one night and turned around to find this behind me. Two tuckered out dudes. There was a better picture I was trying to take with Emilio's foot right in front of Daddy's nose! I tried to snap it but hubby woke up right before I was going to get a close up. It would have been so funny too!

For more Wordful Wednesday check out Seven Clown Circus.

For more Wordless Wednesday check out Five Minutes for Mom.


Cat@3KidsandUs said…
Aww that is so sweet. They look like twins.
More Than Words said…
Love it!!! This is real life!
Run DMT said…
They look like clones! Great photo!

Happy WW! :-)
Liz Mays said…
Now if it had been reversed, the baby wouldn't have been able to sleep! LOL
shelly said…
That is too adorable!

Cascia Talbert said…
That is what I need about now. Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Foursons said…
I was going to comment on how much they look alike, but everyone beat me to it. So I guess I'll say- cute!
Upstatemamma said…
Oh they are so sweet!! I love how they both have just white shirts on too. :)
Anonymous said…
What a great shot! They look so much alike.
Anonymous said…
Great photo! I hate it when I try and take that "perfect" picture and someone moves though. So cute!